
The Unexpected Solution to Your Biggest Problems – It’s Simpler Than You Think

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Picture the scene: over 600,000 men, with their families, standing by the edge of the Red Sea, trapped between towering mountains and the fast-approaching Egyptian army. The dust cloud from Pharaoh’s chariots growing ever larger on the horizon, and the sun setting as panic grips the Israelites. What must they have thought? Was this their end? Freedom seemed a distant memory, swallowed up by the sound of Pharaoh’s army. And in their fear, they did what many of us do under pressure – they panicked and questioned everything. 

Yet, right there in their fear, God had a message for them – and for us: “Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of Yahweh” (Exodus 14:13). These simple words hold the key to unlocking our faith in the most overwhelming situations. 

Standing Still in the Midst of Chaos 

Now, standing still might seem like the last thing we’d want to do when everything is falling apart. Think about it: we’re always trying to fix things, find a way out, or take control. But Moses tells the people to do the opposite. He says, “Stop! Stand still!” 

Why? Because it’s in the stillness that we can finally hear God. It’s in the quiet that we can see His hand at work. When the Israelites stood still, they stopped hearing their own voices, their own fears – and they began to hear the roar of God’s east wind splitting the sea. God was at work, but they had to be still long enough to witness it. 

How often do we miss the still, small voice of God because we’re too busy panicking or trying to solve everything on our own? In today’s world, we are bombarded with noise – from news outlets to social media, all telling us to worry, to fear, to act. But sometimes God’s instruction is clear: “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). 

Moving Forward in Faith 

But here’s the paradox. After standing still, God then tells the Israelites to do something – He tells them to move forward! Now, this is the beautiful part. God didn’t ask them to fight the Egyptians, or to scale the mountains. He didn’t ask them to figure out a plan to escape. He simply said, “Go forward.” All they had to do was walk in the direction He told them, and the path would be made clear. 

What an extraordinary lesson for us today. So often, we feel paralysed by fear or uncertainty. We want to see the whole plan before we take a step. But God is calling us to trust Him enough to take that step in faith, even when we can’t see the whole picture. The Israelites couldn’t see the dry ground beneath the Red Sea until they stepped into it. 

Sometimes, life feels like we’re walking into a storm with no idea how we’ll make it through. But faith means trusting that God has already gone ahead, preparing the way, even if we can’t see it yet. Paul echoes this in Hebrews 11:29, reminding us that “by faith the people passed through the Red Sea as on dry land.” 

Faith Over Fear 

There’s a temptation, when faced with trials, to look back – to long for the comfort of what we once knew, even if it was a place of bondage. The Israelites did this, too. They said to Moses, “It would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the desert!” (Exodus 14:12). But Moses knew something they hadn’t yet grasped – God’s redemption is total and complete. 

God didn’t bring the Israelites out of Egypt to abandon them at the shore. He had a plan for their freedom and their future. And He has a plan for us, too. When we are tempted to look back at our old lives, our old ways, or even our old mistakes, we must remember that God has already dealt with those things. Just as He buried Pharaoh’s army in the sea, so too has He buried our sins and fears in the waters of baptism. “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Corinthians 5:17). 

The Battle is the Lord’s 

One of the most powerful truths in this story is that the battle wasn’t the Israelites’ to fight. They didn’t win the victory by their strength or strategy. No, God fought for them. In fact, Exodus 14:14 tells us, “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” 

What a relief! God is our defender. He is the one who goes before us. Whether we’re facing personal battles, struggles with sin, or the pressures of this world, we can rest knowing that the ultimate victory belongs to Him. 

A Call to Trust and Obedience 

So, what can we take from this story today? When you feel like life is closing in, when you’re trapped between the sea and the army, remember these two things: 

First, stand still. Find the quiet amidst the chaos and listen for God’s voice. Don’t let panic drown out the truth of His presence and power. 

Second, move forward in faith. Even if the path ahead looks uncertain, trust that God has already made a way. Keep walking, and you’ll see His salvation unfold before your very eyes. 

Let us pray for the courage to trust, the patience to wait, and the faith to move forward, knowing that the God who parted the sea for the Israelites will make a way for us, too. 

May we stand still and see His salvation, and then walk boldly into the future He has prepared for us. 

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