
The Five Crowns: Holding Fast to Our Eternal Reward 

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Isn’t it wonderful how scripture has a way of weaving together its own theme for us? It’s as though the Bible knows exactly what we need at every moment! And today, I want to share with you something truly exciting—the theme of crowns in the New Testament. 

Now, I’m sure when you think of a crown, the image of royalty springs to mind—maybe a shiny golden diadem sitting on the head of a king or queen. But today, we’ll explore five crowns mentioned in the New Testament, each one representing something powerful and inspiring for us. You see, these crowns aren’t just for royalty, they’re for you and me, and they symbolize the rewards and blessings that come when we remain faithful to our Lord. 

Let’s dive right in, shall we? 

Crown 1: The Crown of Thorns – The Victory Over Suffering 

We begin with a crown that’s not golden, not bejeweled, but one that was twisted together with pain—the crown of thorns. In John 19:2, we see Jesus adorned with this crown, not in honour, but in mockery. The soldiers pressed this painful creation onto his head, making fun of his claim to kingship. Imagine the scene for a moment: Jesus, the rightful King of Kings, wearing a crown that symbolised suffering and shame. 

But here’s the twist, my friends—what the world intended for humiliation, God transformed into victory. This crown of thorns became a symbol of Christ’s power over sin and death. His suffering paved the way for our salvation. And just as Christ bore the crown of thorns, you and I are called to bear our own struggles with the same perseverance. In our trials, we too are sharing in the victory that Jesus achieved on the cross. 

So, the next time you face hardship, remember the crown of thorns. It reminds us that through suffering, God can bring about the greatest victories in our lives. 

Crown 2: The Crown of Rejoicing – The Joy of Sharing the Gospel 

Now, let’s move from suffering to something far more joyful—the crown of rejoicing! In 1 Thessalonians 2:19, Paul describes this crown as a reward for those who lead others to Christ. Imagine that, friends! Every time you share the gospel with someone, every time you plant a seed of faith, you’re working towards this crown. 

This is the crown for those who delight in bringing others to Jesus. It’s for the people who joyfully spread the good news of salvation. And what a joy that is, isn’t it? The crown of rejoicing is a reminder that we don’t just keep the gift of Christ for ourselves. We are called to share it! Whether it’s through a kind word, a loving gesture, or a bold conversation about faith, we have the privilege of bringing others into God’s family. 

So, if you’re wondering what joy you can bring to someone’s life, think about how you can share the love of Christ with them. And remember, when we lead others to Jesus, we’re earning this incredible crown of rejoicing! 

Crown 3: The Crown of Righteousness – The Reward for Faithfulness 

Next, we have the crown of righteousness, found in 2 Timothy 4:8. This is the crown awarded to those who eagerly await the return of Christ. Paul, nearing the end of his life, writes about how he has fought the good fight, finished the race, and kept the faith. Because of this, a crown of righteousness awaits him. 

Now, this isn’t just a reward for Paul. It’s for all of us who long for Christ’s return and remain faithful to the end. Are you eagerly waiting for Jesus to come back? Does the thought of his return fill you with hope and joy? If so, this crown is for you! 

But what does it mean to “keep the faith”? It’s about staying true to God in all circumstances, isn’t it? It’s about trusting Him even when life gets tough, holding onto His promises when things seem uncertain. And when we remain faithful, there is a crown of righteousness waiting for us—a crown given by the righteous judge, our Lord. 

Crown 4: The Crown of Life – Endurance Through Trials 

In James 1:12, we’re introduced to the crown of life. This crown is awarded to those who endure through trials and temptations. It’s for those who, despite facing difficulties, hold fast to their faith. 

Life isn’t always easy, is it? We all go through seasons of hardship, but God promises that if we endure, there’s a reward waiting for us. And not just any reward—a crown of life! This crown is a symbol of eternal life, given to those who remain steadfast under pressure. 

When you’re going through a tough time, it’s easy to feel like giving up. But remember this: God sees your perseverance. He sees your struggles. And He’s preparing a crown of life just for you! So, keep going, friends. Keep trusting. Keep enduring. The crown of life is worth every moment of trial. 

Crown 5: The Crown of Glory – The Reward for Service 

Finally, we come to the crown of glory, mentioned in 1 Peter 5:4. This crown is for those who shepherd others, who lead and care for God’s people. It’s for pastors, teachers, mentors, and anyone who serves the body of Christ. 

Serving others isn’t always glamorous, is it? It can be tiring and thankless at times. But Peter reminds us that there’s a special crown of glory waiting for those who lead and serve faithfully. And unlike the crowns of this world, which fade and tarnish, the crown of glory will never fade away. It’s eternal. 

So, whether you’re leading a small group, teaching a Sunday school class, or simply caring for a neighbour in need, know that your service matters. God sees every act of kindness, every moment of leadership, and He promises a crown of glory that will last forever. 

Holding Fast to Your Crown 

Now that we’ve explored these five crowns, let’s return to Revelation 3:11, where Jesus says, “Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.” What does this mean? It means we need to stay strong in our faith and not let anyone or anything steal the reward that God has prepared for us. 

Imagine standing before Jesus one day, wearing one or more of these crowns. The crown of thorns reminds us of our victory over suffering. The crown of rejoicing represents the joy of leading others to Christ. The crown of righteousness is a reward for staying faithful. The crown of life is given to those who endure trials, and the crown of glory is reserved for those who serve. 

Friends, hold onto your crown! Don’t let the distractions and challenges of this world cause you to lose sight of the reward that God has in store for you. Keep running the race, keep sharing the gospel, keep enduring through trials, and keep serving others with love. 

The Crown of Glory Awaits 

As we journey through life, we are reminded that this world is not our home. We are citizens of heaven, and one day, we will stand before our King. The crowns we earn here on earth are not for our glory, but for His. They are a testimony to His grace at work in our lives. 

So, let’s run the race with endurance, looking forward to the day when we will receive our crowns. And when that day comes, may we lay those crowns at the feet of Jesus, giving Him all the honour and glory. 

Hold fast to your crown, dear friends. The reward is worth the race.

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