Bible StudyThe Trinity

Unmasking the Trinity (Part 1) – Introduction

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In the vast sea of Christian beliefs, Biblical Unitarianism stands unique. It holds the Bible as the ultimate authority on Christian doctrine and practice. According to this belief system, the Father alone is God, Jesus is His Son but not God Himself, and the Holy Spirit represents God’s power rather than being a distinct divine entity. Biblical Unitarians anticipate Christ’s return, his judgement over humanity, and the establishment of a thousand-year kingdom on Earth. In this article, we’ll distil these complex ideas into simpler concepts to better understand this perspective.

Understanding God: The Biblical Unitarian Perspective

Biblical Unitarianism identifies God as a single, divine person, Yahweh or the Father, and remains closely linked to Judaism. This link is essential as Christianity originated as a Jewish sect. Early Christians, many of whom were Jewish, viewed their faith as a continuation of Judaism rather than a departure from it. Thus, Biblical Unitarianism asserts a continuous theological link from Judaism to Christianity.

Biblical Interpretation

The interpretation of Scripture in Biblical Unitarianism revolves around maintaining the primacy of God’s Word over historical traditions and theoretical speculations. Here are a few guiding principles:

  • Context: The context of a passage is paramount. The word usage in one verse can mean something completely different in another verse based on context.
  • Scripture Interprets Scripture: The practice of interpreting the Bible through the lens of other biblical passages is essential.
  • No Contradictions in Scripture: Any perceived contradiction is usually due to errors in translation, transmission, or misunderstanding.
  • Avoiding Arguments from Silence: Conclusions should not be derived from a lack of evidence.
  • Varied Evidence: A doctrine cannot be based solely on a single verse; it must be consistent with the wider body of Scripture.
  • Literal unless Figurative: We must take Scripture literally unless there is a clear reason for a figurative interpretation.

Attributes of God

God’s unique characteristics define Him and set Him apart from all other beings. These include:

  • Identity: The Bible consistently refers to God as a singular entity, and never as a trinity.
  • Omnipotence: God is all-powerful. This power is exclusive to Him and not shared with Jesus or the Holy Spirit.
  • Omniscience and Omnipresence: God is all-knowing and present everywhere. These attributes are unique to Him.
  • Self-Existence: God’s existence is independent, eternal, and not derived from any other source.
  • Moral Perfection: God is morally perfect, and cannot sin or be tempted.
  • Invisibility & Incorporeality: God is invisible and non-physical.


Understanding the complex theological nuances of Biblical Unitarianism can be challenging. However, simplifying these concepts to their core ideas helps clarify this belief system. Its unique perspective on God and divinity offers a different, yet equally compelling, understanding of Christian beliefs rooted in biblical scripture. This viewpoint presents a deity that stands unique in His existence, character, and attributes, making Biblical Unitarianism a truly distinctive belief system within Christianity.

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